Apologies for the potato quality; my graphics are terrible. šŸ˜¦Ā  Iā€™m just really happy with how my latest Sith warrior (*cough cough* yes I know) turned out, looks-wise. If I could draw – I totally canā€™t – I would draw her.

Anyway, this is NevihtaĀ ā€œNevā€ HĆ¢sk, myĀ ā€œheir to a great Sith legacyā€ Sith warrior. Iā€™m tempted to write about her, if I can come up with any aspect of the SW storyline that hasnā€™t already been done (and done beautifully, might I add) by other writers.

This latest chapter of Immortals is killing me. Iā€™m pretty much done (mentally and emotionally) with Theron and Evraun playing Castaway on a deserted island and want to get on with finding/rescuing Vector and everything that comes after that. And I know that I can write the stuff that comes later and then come back to the stuff that comes beforehand, but … I donā€™t want to? I know people want to see more Theron/Evraun and how they get rescued or save themselves or whatever (I do actually know how they get away, Iā€™m not floundering because I canā€™t think of how to save them), but I just donā€™t feel like writing it. Itā€™s not a case ofĀ ā€œoh, Iā€™ll write what I want and then come back to this part,ā€ itā€™s a case ofĀ ā€œI am no longer interested in writing this part even though I have ideas for it, I want to move on to the next stageā€ and Iā€™m worried that if I just jump ahead without filling in those blanks people will hate it. The motivation that was there when I first started the deserted island plot bunny has dissipated, and I know that if I do force myself to write it itā€™s going to be fairly obvious that the writing is forced.

The end result being, of course, that Iā€™m not writing anything at all because Iā€™m stuck on this one part. A part that was fun when I first came up with it but now just feels like work.

Spy Games – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic [Archive of Our Own]


Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic, Star Wars – All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine/Theron Shan
Characters: Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine, Theron Shan
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Action/Adventure, Spies & Secret Agents, Hurt/Comfort, Past Torture, Strong Language, Slow Burn, Romance, Drama

Following in the wake of the disaster that was Ziost, Republic SIS Agent Theron Shan is given one last chance to keep his head above water. The assignment? Taking down the Red Blade – the Imperial agent formerly known as Cipher Nine.

Things ā€¦ do not go exactly as planned. Because of course they donā€™t.

Spy Games – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic [Archive of Our Own]

Spy Games – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic, Star Wars – All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine/Theron Shan
Characters: Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine, Theron Shan
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Action/Adventure, Spies & Secret Agents, Hurt/Comfort, Past Torture, Strong Language, Slow Burn, Romance, Drama

Following in the wake of the disaster that was Ziost, Republic SIS Agent Theron Shan is given one last chance to keep his head above water. The assignment? Taking down the Red Blade – the Imperial agent formerly known as Cipher Nine.

Things … do not go exactly as planned. Because of course they don’t.

Spy Games – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic [Archive of Our Own]

Until All These Shivers Subside – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars – All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]


Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Star Wars – All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Vector Hyllus/Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine
Characters: Vector Hyllus, Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine
Additional Tags: Romance, Shameless Smut, Prequel, One Shot, Outdoor Sex
Series: Part 4 of Fire Meet Detonite

A one-shot look at a moment shared between Imperial Cipher agent Miranza Gerrick and Joiner diplomat Vector Hyllus, early in their relationship. (Spoilers for the end of Part 2 of SWTORā€™s Imperial Agent storyline.)

Until All These Shivers Subside – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars – All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]

Until All These Shivers Subside – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars – All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Star Wars – All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Vector Hyllus/Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine
Characters: Vector Hyllus, Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine
Additional Tags: Romance, Shameless Smut, Prequel, One Shot, Outdoor Sex
Series: Part 4 of Fire Meet Detonite

A one-shot look at a moment shared between Imperial Cipher agent Miranza Gerrick and Joiner diplomat Vector Hyllus, early in their relationship. (Spoilers for the end of Part 2 of SWTOR’s Imperial Agent storyline.)

Until All These Shivers Subside – salacious_crumpet – Star Wars – All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]

Fuck it, Iā€™m in a shitty depressed mood so Iā€™m writing Vector/Miranza fluff from before they meet up with (hook up with …) Theron. Or Iā€™m writing Vector/Miranza porn, I havenā€™t yet decided where this oneā€™s going …