


These are all iPhone apps. I have no idea which are available on other phones.

Give some comfort and get some comfort..

  • comfort spot 

Meditation is so healthy for you. No matter who you are. I can’t sleep unless there’s a guided meditation playing.

  • GPS4Soul
  • Headspace
  • Calm
  • Relax & Rest
  • Take a Break
  • Anxiety Free
  • Breathe2Relax
  • Relax Lite
  • Smiling Mind
  • The Quiet Place

Noise machines for those nights that you can’t hear anything but your mind..

  • Sleep Pillow
  • Relax Melodies

Journaling apps for on the go feelings that won’t leave you alone

  • Mood Journal
  • GratitudeDiary
  • TherapyBuddy
  • Everyday

PTSD patients

  • Reach Out
  • PTSD Coach

Mood Trackers that actually work and don’t suck like most

  • Optimism
  • Rise Up

For when you’re so anxious you can’t make eye contact with anyone. (trust me I get it.)

  • MindShift
  • Thisissand

When suicidal thoughts are strong, but you can’t seem to tell anyone for find any help.

  • ReliefLink
  • Hello Cruel World
  • Ask

Positive affirmations/reminders you’re amazing

  • Daily Recovery
  • Inspirations
  • Today’s Step
  • Affirmations
  • Flatter Me!

I hope this helps at least one person.. I know it sure as hell helps me. I’m sorry you’re struggling. I love you.

I love you guys!
I want you all to feel loved and safe!

comfort spot doesn’t work anymore sadly, it was one of my favorite apps. 

I have any to add except for Calm Harm, which helps with self harm urges

here’s the apps from this list that are available for android: 


  • Headspace: Meditation & Mindfullness
  • Calm – Meditate, sleep, relax
  • Relax and Rest Meditations
  • Take a Break
  • Breathe2relax
  • Relax Lite: Stress Relief
  • Smiling Mind
  • The Quiet Place

White Noise:

  • Relax Melodies (one of my personal favorites)


  • Therapy Buddy
  • Daylio – Diary, Journal, Mood Tracker 


  • Reachout
  • PTSD coach


  • Mindshift
  • thisissand

I couldn’t find any of the suicide apps. Most of the positivity apps are there and there’s a bunch more if you search for any one of the one’s on the list


For everyone’s information:

The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.

To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.

On the 17th, dead silence.

People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.

But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.

What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’

A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.

If you want to join in, here’s what to do:


  • Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
  • Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
  • Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
  • Come back on the 18th and check in


  • Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
  • Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
  • Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
  • Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
  • Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.

Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.

Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.







Finally giving in and admitting to yourself that you have a fetish you were avoiding


my favorite part about this is that are no tags, no comments. everyone knows what theyre guilty of

I feel this on a spiritual level.


And then there’s like. Thinking you’re only into… A low-key version of it, accidentally seeing the full blown version….

And having to come to terms all over again with your kinkiness……



Commissions Discord

So as you might have seen in this post, I decided to make a discord server dedicated entirely to trying to help artists get more commissions. I have no idea how well this will work, or if it will work, but it seemed to me that if we could get enough people in the same space and then treat it as a kind of artists’ alley, but digital, and actively make an effort to advertise artists whose work might otherwise get flagged into oblivion or not show up in the tags, it might help mitigate potential effects of the TOS change. A couple of friends told me it was worth a try, so I made the server, and it’s open for use!

A couple of important points:

  • This is an 18+ server since I’m not restricting the types of art that are allowed to be advertised. Whether or not it will stay that way forever depends how well this goes, but for now, 18+ only.
  • It’s intended to be a multi-fandom space (though right now I think most of the interest is coming from the Dragon Age fandom, hi guys!), which I will try to keep as un-complicated as possible. Anyone from any fandom is welcome.
  • The goal of the server is to really give creators a lot of visibility, so it’s not set up to be a fandom socializing server necessarily (though I certainly won’t tell you to stop talking). I really want to see if we can help people stay connected with their audiences if at all possible, so please feel free to join if you’re not an artist or a writer–you’re the intended audience, after all!
  • Artists and writers who don’t have the time or energy to keep up with a(nother) Discord server but would like the extra visibility anyway, feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll be glad to post a brief ad for you in the server without the need to join.

And with that, here’s a non-expiring invite link! Feel free to pass it on to anyone:

Friendly PSA


If you draw yourself and your favorite character from whatever series and you’re afraid to upload it. Don’t be, it’s art and it’s beautiful and important.

If you write a story about yourself and your favorite character in their world, or them in ours, and you are worried about being ridiculed. You shouldn’t be, because it is creative and unique.

If you do post self-insert art/stories, than I admire you and respect you so much. I am happy that you decided to share your talents with the world.

If you create anything involving you and a favorite character, or series, and you are feeling discouraged about it because someone is making fun of you for it; Fuck ‘em. Any type of art is a freedom of expression, an outlet for emotions and ideas. Don’t let anyone keep you down from what you enjoy.

If you ridicule someone for creating something with their favorite character/series and them, stop it. You have no right to mock someone for doing something they enjoy. As long as it’s not hurting anyone who cares? Let them be happy.

All types of art matters, no matter what. Do what you want to do. If it’s not hurting anyone, who cares?












What is almost certainly happening with Tumblr’s image classifier is that they’ve deployed the bot entirely untrained, and are relying on user complaints to train it what NSFW content on tumblr looks like.

Making people participate in their own censorship in this way and punishing them with the threat of being silenced even if in compliance with the rules should they not participate, is, IMHO, abuse of their userbase.

Source: I’ve worked for three different top-five social networks, and at all of them this type of work would have been done by making the userbase do it as much as possible.

Please signal boost. I don’t care if you reblog or repost, just get the word out so that people know what they’re doing as they interect with this thing.

My twitter is @soren_tycho (nsfw, sfw account coming soon) and my github username is sorentycho.

Just chiming in as a machine learning expert, this is almost certainly the case (and knowing tumblr, they weren’t even smart enough to throw in pre-trained weights)

I don’t remember agreeing to beta test 🤔

A well known AI blogger I follow also supports this theory.

Okay so what I am hearing here is that if we really want to be assholes and fuck with tumblr then we should ask for review even on flagged posts that are legitimately NSFW?

Fuck with their robot training/ using us as laboratory rats by being the worst possible laboratory rats?

@sorensfw @janothar

The review process will catch it and clean the data, but it WOULD put more strain on whatever humans they have there. Though those humans won’t be the people responsible, they’ll be minimum wage people, so…

Catch: there is mounting evidence that there aren’t any human reviewers – most notably, I’ve seen a post about a basket of mushrooms being rejected on appeal.

Confusing matters even more, I’ve had two copies of visually identical images
handled differently – an unedited version approved, and a version with text steganographically embedded in it rejected.

@wetwareproblem I agree: I appealed an actual nsfw post as protest of their new policies and aggressive untrained bots and got a response apologising for the “false flagging” and saying it respected community guidelines

the response also came faster than any legit sfw posts (usually queer content) I’ve appealed in the past, before the nsfw ban

a human didn’t review this, or if they did, they are overworked and understaffed

So. Hey. If this is what’s happening? It would quite possibly be the stupidest fucking thing tumblr has yet ever done.

I fully support a massive campaign of intentionally flagging all images and disputing the flagging of all images including actually NSFW images. Let’s see of we can break this thing.

Soooo we could train the flag bit and the appeal bot to leave consensual porn alone but get rid of nazis, maps, spam bots and exploitative porn?
Problem is: all of those latter probably already clued in to this, so this basically becomes an arms race…

Yes, Virginia, Tumblr is important for all those other reasons and also…


There is a particular take on the destruction of Tumblr that I keep waiting for someone to write, but no one has yet. Which means I apparently need to do it myself.

The take is, essentially, that not only should adults have access to adult content – in itself, valid and true – but also it is important to cultivate SOME social spaces where the overtly/explicitly sexual overlap with the non-sexual. (Not all spaces; I still think it should be illegal to have sex on the sidewalk. But SOME spaces that enable the sexual and the non-sexual to exist side-by-side)

Part of what I think leads to the dehumanization of sex (and subsequently allows the stigma and shame to cling so heavily to it) is the complete bifurcation of life into SEX and EVERYTHING ELSE and never the twain shall meet. When we – at every turn – put all aspects of human life into one sphere, and sex into another, we dehumanize it. We remove the full subjectivity of people from it, which is a problem. 

I think we need to actively cultivate spaces LIKE before-time!Tumblr where we can be people, and talk about what happened at work today, and the funny thing our dog did, and how our parents make us crazy during the holidays, and how dare they do X thing on Supernatural, and here’s a great version of that distracted boyfriend meme, and ALSO be able to talk about being horny on main, as the saying goes, and find the right porn clip to fap to. Or post nude selfies. Or hunt down that sweet, sweet NSFW Symbrock fanart. 

Having spaces where the explicitly sexual and the non-sexual overlap is important to humanizing sex and, subsequently, de-stigmatizing it (which, it should go without saying, is particularly salient for marginalized people who often suffer way more heavily from sexual stigma)