


some people’s blogs are being incorrectly flagged as being explicit so if you would like to check your status, you can look it up on

if you have been incorrectly marked as nsfw, you can appeal before tumblr permanently filters you as such and your blog is set back to default settings prior to december 18th here.

@deadcatwithaflamethrower Jer, you’re marked as NSFW though Joy @thebibliosphere isn’t.

I emailed staff yesterday and they fixed it, which is likely why. Never got a response from them, I just know my blog went from being muted to suddenly visible again after I did.

My partner – who doesn’t read my fanfiction because I love him dearly but I also have weird confidence issues when it comes to my loved ones – was jokingly suggesting ideas for something I should write. When I shot all of his (intentionally ridiculous) ideas down he rolled his eyes, let out a (fake) exasperated sigh and said, “Fine, whatever, go back to writing about Boone’s cock.”

Me: “That was one time!”

In all fairness, though, that “one time” (writing about Fallout: New Vegas’s Boone) has become my most popular fic on AO3, so … maybe I should go back to writing about Boone’s cock.

Note: I’m actually going back to working on my two ongoing SWTOR stories and my DA:I story (all of which have been left on cliffhangers, because I’m a horrible person), so Boone’s cock will have to wait.

Tumblr Was a Safe Space for Women to Consume Porn. Now It’s Banning Adult Content.


Hi Tumblr! I’m not on here much any more, but in case you are in the mood to fulminate the adult-content ban, here’s me talking to sex educators and Tumblr porn makers about why this space was so important to women, and what we’ll lose when the ban takes effect. 

Tumblr Was a Safe Space for Women to Consume Porn. Now It’s Banning Adult Content.




Please don’t fucking log off tumblr on the 17th as a protest. All that’s going to do is give tumblr more reason to shut this place down because of revenue loss.

Please don’t fucking log off tumblr on the 17th as a protest. All that’s going to do is give tumblr more reason to shut this place down because of revenue loss.

This is blatantly untrue

Companies do not experience one day of revenue loss and pull the plug, destroying years of work and firing dozens if not hundreds of employees.

Companies which experience loss in revenue and consumer interest make investments and changes in order to regain their users/customers. That’s why organized protests and boycotts WORK. Tumblr will NOT go down after one bad day or week, but they might be willing to listen to its userbase if we put up an organized protest. (If you don’t believe me, think about how long sites like MySpace and Google+ hang around with fractions of their previous user base, often for years.)

Yahoo paid over one billion dollars for Tumblr, and the website will not go offline because of a one-day event, so in conclusion,

DO log off on December 17th to show Tumblr that you disapprove of its recent content ban and clumsy execution of censorship.

Please reblog this version of the post to stop the spread of misinformation.

Why ‘female-presenting nipples’ matter


When I was 10, my mom made me wear a bra and it felt like a punishment for being different.

When I was 10, I took the bra off when changing for gymnastics and accidentally dropped it in the school hallway. A teacher picked it up and said, “Oh, this must belong to you” and handed it back to me in front of everyone. I quit gymnastics.

When I was 11, I thought maybe the boobs would be okay so long as they didn’t get any bigger than would fit in my hand, so I kept measuring it, but they did.

When I was 12, I started wearing two or three sports bras to smush them down, until one day a classmate said, “Are you wearing two bras?!” while laughing.

When I was 13, a boy told me he wanted to squeeze my boobs “until they popped.”

When I was 14, I got cast in a play as an older character and a classmate told me I got the role because I had boobs.

When I was 17, my mom told me to return a swimsuit because it would be too distracting for my boyfriend’s father.

When I was 21, I got properly fitted for a bra and everyone felt the need to tell me how much better my boobs looked.

When I was 26, I got pregnant and my immediate fear was that my boobs would get bigger.

When I was 28, I got shamed for trying to feed my screaming baby in public without a cover.

When I was 28, people asked me “why are you bothering to use a breastfeeding cover?”

When I was 30, people gave me weird looks that I wasn’t yelling at my kid for putting their hand on my boob.

When I was 31, I avoided going to the beach or pool because I didn’t want to have to deal with boobs in a swimsuit.

When I was 32, I got asked, again, “why don’t you get a breast reduction?”

When I was 33, I watched a 5yo girl get shamed for running around in sweltering heat without a shirt on and had to reprimand a bunch of tween boys who thought it was okay to shame her for doing something they do all the time.

When I was 34, my kid kept patting my breast and saying “Mommy’s squishy breast!!” They will never see me express any shame about tits, because I want them to have a different mindset than I had. Yes, boobs are nice! They’re squishy! They’re fun! That’s the end of that.

I’m 35 and no longer give a fuck. I don’t care anymore. As a teenager my tits were covered in stretch marks. They’ve been engorged with milk. My nipple changed shape with pregnancy. Give it another couple decades and my breasts will probably be all wrinkly. It’s sexual when I’m using it sexually. I don’t fucking care, and I won’t be ashamed anymore. 

Every time a policy or cultural hangup treats people with breasts differently, it fucks us over. 

Tumblr’s new policy makes an active choice to participate in this culture of shame. By classifying “female-presenting nipples” as explicit material, Tumblr has taken a stance that any chest or breast that differs from a male default is worthy of shame and unavoidably sexual. The idea that breasts are shameful and unavoidably sexual is exactly what fucked me up for so much of my life.

Stop shaming people for having bodies. 



All, we’ve heard from a bunch of you who are concerned about Tumblr censoring NSFW/adult content. While there seems to be a lot of misinformation flying around, most of the confusion seems to stem from our complicated flagging/filtering features. Let me clear up (and fix) a few things:

1. Last year, we added “Safe Mode” which lets you filter out NSFW content from tag and search pages. This is enabled by default for new users and can be toggled in your Dashboard Settings. As some of you have pointed out, disabling Safe Mode still wasn’t allowing search results from all blogs to appear. This has been fixed.

2. Some search terms are blocked (returning no results) in some of our mobile apps. Unfortunately, different app environments have different requirements that we do our best to adhere to. The reason you see innocent tags like #gay being blocked on certain platforms is that they are still frequently returning adult content which our entire app was close to being banned for. The solution is more intelligent filtering which our team is working diligently on. We’ll get there soon. In the meantime, you can browse #lgbtq — which is moderated by our community editors — in all of Tumblr’s mobile apps. You can also see unfiltered search results on using your mobile web browser.

3. Earlier this year, in an effort to discourage some not-so-nice people from using Tumblr as free hosting for spammy commercial porn sites, we started delisting this tiny subset of blogs from search engines like Google. This was never intended to be an opt-in flag, but for some reason could be enabled after checking off NSFW → Adult in your blog settings. This was confusing and unnecessary, so we’ve dropped the extra option. If your blog contains anything too sexy for the average workplace, simply check “Flag this blog as NSFW” so people in Safe Mode can avoid it. Your blog will still be promoted in third-party search engines.

Aside from these fixes, there haven’t been any recent changes to Tumblr’s treatment of NSFW content, and our view on the topic hasn’t changed. Empowering your creative expression is the most important thing in the world to us. Making sure people aren’t surprised by content they find offensive is also incredibly important and we are always working to put more control in your hands.

Sorry for all of the confusion. If you have any more concerns or suggestions on how we can make these features clearer or more useful, please email us!


This was Tumblr Staff’s response to a 20,000 signature petition in 2013 to stop exactly what’s going on right now. Tumblr Staff, with David Karp at the head, clarified these things and put these guidelines into place to ensure that the site would remain safe and they would continue to allow NSFW content.


Cut to 5 years later we have literally 10 times as many people signing a petition right now in less than ¼th the amount of time for the exact same reason


Tumblr, we made this clear before and now 10 times as many people are making it clear again: You’re handling this in the wrong way.

You should be focusing on improving features like Safe Mode, the tagging system, blacklisting, whitelisting, filtering, blocking, reporting, etc.

Rather than deciding that destroying the foundation you’ve built and garnered for 11 years as a place where NSFW artists can easily get their work out there.

And would you look at that, this post itself has like a million notes.