Friendly PSA


If you draw yourself and your favorite character from whatever series and you’re afraid to upload it. Don’t be, it’s art and it’s beautiful and important.

If you write a story about yourself and your favorite character in their world, or them in ours, and you are worried about being ridiculed. You shouldn’t be, because it is creative and unique.

If you do post self-insert art/stories, than I admire you and respect you so much. I am happy that you decided to share your talents with the world.

If you create anything involving you and a favorite character, or series, and you are feeling discouraged about it because someone is making fun of you for it; Fuck ‘em. Any type of art is a freedom of expression, an outlet for emotions and ideas. Don’t let anyone keep you down from what you enjoy.

If you ridicule someone for creating something with their favorite character/series and them, stop it. You have no right to mock someone for doing something they enjoy. As long as it’s not hurting anyone who cares? Let them be happy.

All types of art matters, no matter what. Do what you want to do. If it’s not hurting anyone, who cares?

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