How to find things on Wookieepedia, Part 1 – Browsing



[NOTE: I originally posted this on pillowfort but thought it might be interesting to folks here too]

This post is aimed at fic writers but it’s probably of use to anyone who has ever tried to look something up there. It might also be helpful for other Wikis but I don’t frequent those the way I do Wookieepedia, so I can’t verify. These are things that felt like it took me far too long to figure out. I welcome feedback to make it better.

Part 1 is about finding things on Wookieepedia when you aren’t sure what it’s called, aka browsing and using Categories. (this post)

Part 2 discusses narrowing down the results of your browsing (Category intersections).

Part 3 discusses how to track down that thingamajig you saw on that one episode (the Appearances section).

First some general terms.

Articles – These are the pages you are looking for. They’ve got pages on Aunt Beru and on Kathleen Kennedy, T-7 ion disruptors and “Destroy Malevolence”(the 4th episode of TCW). Basically everything.

Stubs – These are pages that are placeholders and haven’t been completely filled out. Still handy depending on how much is lacking, even if it’s only to let you know there’s not much.

Pages – Appear to be the same thing as an article or stub and I’m not honestly sure why they sometimes use this term and not articles.  It should be noted that it is defined in part by what it is not which is a Category (see below).

Categories – A category is a way of grouping articles together. They can have subcategories creating a hierarchy. Every subcategory is technically a category as well. Categories are cool because when you aren’t sure what you are looking for they allow you to browse and hone in on your search. For example, Starships is a category whose subcategories include Starships by Affiliation and Starships by Type.  In addition,  Starships are a subcategory of Spacecraft which is a subcategory of Vehicles. Get the idea?

(There’s also Files – this is most often an image and accessed from an article. I won’t be discussing it much here)

There’s a load of screencaps so more below the cut.

Keep reading

For anyone who doesn’t yet know the ins and outs of Wookieepedia, be sure to check these posts out! Using all the functions of the wiki is a great way to sift through it and find what you want quickly!

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