Star Wars and Travel Times

One of the hardest parts about writing Star Wars fanfic (which is true of any story set against a massive stage) is working around travel times. SWTOR never really addresses the fact that it takes about 9 days to get from Tatooine to Alderaan (according to one source I have; 5 days according to another; 6-7 according to a third and oh my god could I just find consistent resources somewhere?!?), you just hop on your spaceship, hit the galaxy map and zoom, there you are and no one says anything like “Wow, took you long enough!” or “Gosh, you sure made good time!” So having an idea for something that occurs in Wild Space and would logically progress to Dromund Kaas means people are sitting on their heels for a loooong time while shit is going down.

My current sources are:

Hyperspace Travel Times from a Star Wars RPG site:

Astrogation Computer:

The difficult to navigate NavComputer from Star Wars Combine:

And this map: 

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