







FINALLY receiving some validation for my Catholic Boba Fett headcanon !


who wrote the book.

Daniel Keys Moran, it’s from a collection of stories called “Tales of the Bounty Hunters”

I am SO happy with Catholic Boba. I am SO pleased that Boba Fett is a PAPAL LOYALIST. Thank GOD (And the Pope) For this.

Okay, but can we just appreciate the fact that this scene is Boba being handed Leia in her slave outfit to rape as a gift from Jabba the Hutt, and Boba’s response is not only to refuse touching her but handing her a sheet to cover herself and even offering that she can sleep on the bed while he sits in a chair across the room?

Boba tells Leia, “Sex between those not married is immoral,” which is a Mandalorian cultural thing
because children are everything to Mandos and sex which might result in
pregnancy is a big no-no unless both parents are ready and willing to
raise that child; marriage to Mandalorians is two people making a mutual promise to help each other, particularly helping each other raise any children they might conceive or adopt (adoption happens a lot in the heat of the moment, apparently; it canonically appears to be a bigger risk than unplanned pregnancy – “whoops, honey, I accidentally adopted this kid I found on the battlefield” “oh. well. we knew that might happen having unprotected combat and all”).

It just says a lot about Boba, and Mandalorians in general, that they’re big buff armoured warrior types who apparently canonically have a very strong cultural bias for responsible sex. I mean, how many times do we see the fantasy/sci-fi warrior soldier stereotype = rape, or at the very least coercive sex, in pop culture? In so many movies and comics and novels, the female heroine/hero’s woman is captured by bad guys and offered as a “gift” to some big hunk of a warrior/gladiator/what have you who either does whatever he wants with her (explicitly on screen or implied off-screen by her ruined makeup and torn dress) to further the hero’s rescue-and/or-revenge-journey or maybe seduces her with his ~manliness~ and huge muscles/weapons even while there’s still that element of power imbalance as she surrenders helplessly to the ~instinctive urge~ to mate with the alpha male. Sex, or they-were-going-to-but-last-minute-interruption/rescue, is the inevitable outcome of a sci-fi/fantasy woman in a gold bikini being shoved into a soldier/warrior/gladiator dude’s quarters/cave/den/hovel.

And Leia is genre savvy and knows this. She fully expects Boba to rape her, and says as much. But his response to her threatening to kill him or kill herself if he touches her is just “woah there, lady, have we entered a culturally binding contract to conceive and raise children? no, we have not. so don’t flatter yourself thinking I’ll get my gametes anywhere near your uterus, thank you very much!” And Leia is a bit offended and wrong-footed, telling him “um, rape is immoral too, y’know,” but Boba just dismisses it all, “well, yes, rape is bad, but like it’s so far off the table here that it’s basically a non sequitur, why would I rape you when I don’t even want to have consensual sex with you, come on.”

I just love the fact that in Mando culture, consensual sex is EVERYTHING, it’s even CONTRACTUALISED. You know how all those MRA anti-feminists are all up in arms about movements like #MeToo and whining about how totally unreasonable it is to expect everyone involved to consent to sex, what, do femi-nazis want everyone to fill out consent forms before sex haha how ridiculous – and then we have Mandalorians, the most alpha of alpha people of all genders, all fake nerd boy incels’ epitome of badassness, literally contractualising consent. Boba Fett, pop-cult bad guy extraordinaire, not only refusing to rape Leia in her slave costume (unlike every single incel in the world who has masturbated to that scene of her on her knees in chains) but being genuinely offended at the thought of having sex with someone without pledging himself fully to her safety and welfare.

This short story was the moment I fell in love with the EU’s Boba Fett and Mandalorians in general. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

This is amazing, I had no idea of the context! Thank you for writing this!


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